Aron Katz

My research combines molecular, genetic, and ecological data to address questions concerning biodiversity and evolution that can ultimately be used to inform adaptive management initiatives for at risk ecosystems. As part of the Sperry Lab, I will be working on projects related to chemosensory perception in monarchs, molecular and chemical divergence in glass lizard populations, and using environmental DNA to detect at risk biological communities.
Katz, A. D., Giordano, R., Davis, M. A., Soto-Adames, F. N. (2018) Phylogeography of marine littoral springtails (Collembola): Cryptic diversification, pre-Pliocene vicariance, and post-closure dispersal across the Isthmus of Panama. Journal of Biogeography. (In Review).
Catanach, T. A., Sweet, A. D., Nguyen, N. D., Peery, R., Debevec, A. H., Thomer, A. K., Owings, A. C., Boyd, B. M., Katz, A. D., Soto-Adames, F. N., and Allen, J. M. (2018) Fully automated sequence alignment methods outperform traditional methods for phylogenetic analysis of hepatitis B viruses. PeerJ (In Review).
Katz, A. D., Taylor, S. J., and Davis, M. A. (2018) At the confluence of vicariance and dispersal: phylogeography of cavernicolous springtails (Collembola: Arrhopalitidae, Tomoceridae) codistributed across a geologically complex karst landscape in Illinois and Missouri. Ecology and Evolution. (In Press).
Katz, A. D. (2017) A new endemic species of Willowsia from Florida (USA) and descriptive notes on all New World Willowsia (Collembola: Entomobryidae). Zootaxa 4350(3), 549-562.
Sidorov, D. A., Katz, A. D., Taylor, S. J., and Chertoprud, M. V. (2016) A reassessment of the phylogenetic utility of genus-level morphological characters in the family Bogidiellidae (Crustacea, Amphipoda), with description of a new species of Eobogidiella Karaman, 1981. ZooKeys 610, 23–43.
Katz, A. D., Taylor, S. J, Soto-Adames, F. N., Addison, A., Hoese, G. B., Sutton, M. R., and Toulkeridis, T. (2016) New records and new species of springtails (Collembola: Entomobryidae, Paronellidae) from lava tubes of the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador). Subterranean Biology, 17: 77-120.
Sridharan, S., Katz, A. D., Soto-Adames, F. N., and Popescu, G. (2015) Quantitative phase imaging of arthropods. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20(11), 111212.
Katz, A. D., Giordano, R., and Soto-Adames, F. N. (2015) Taxonomic review and phylogenetic analysis of fifteen North American Entomobrya (Collembola, Entomobryidae), including four new species. ZooKeys, 525, 1-75.
Katz, A. D., Giordano, R., and Soto-Adames, F. N. (2015) Operational criteria for cryptic species delimitation when evidence is limited, as exemplified by North American Entomobrya (Collembola). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 173, 818-840.