Dylan O'Hearn


I joined the Sperry Lab as a undergraduate researcher in 2016 an then continued to work for Dr. Sperry in various ways until I was hired at CERL as a biologist last year. Currently, I am working with Dr. Sperry as a masters student.

 I am interested in chemically-mediated ecological interactions, and my research includes studies of chemical signalling in amphibians, reptiles, and insect-plant systems.  In 2017 I began work as a biologist for the US Army Corps of Engineers, where I work closely with Dr. Sperry on research related to wildlife conservation on military lands.  I began my Ph.D work in 2018, studying chemical communication in slender glass lizards.




Graham, B, O'Hearn, D, Sperry, J, & MacAllister, I (In review) Behavioral responses by northern leopard frog adults to conspecific chemical cues. Behavioural Processes.

Westbrook, SR, Kang, M, Sherrill, LK, O'Hearn, D, Krishnamani, T, & Gulley, JM (2018) Sex Differences in adolescent ethanol drinking to behavioral intoxication. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior 110(1): 54-62.

Moore, M, Hu, Y, Woo, S, O'Hearn, D, Iordan, AD, Dolcos, S, & Dolcos, F (2014) A Comprehensive Protocol for Manual Segmentation of the Medial Temporal Lobe Structures. Journal of Visual Experiments, 89. DOI 10.3791/50991.
